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[Last CFP] SOCREAL 2019 (Deadline Extended) [2019年08月22日]



The Last Call for Papers (Deadline Extended)


5th International Workshop on Philosophy and Logic of Social Reality

15 – 17 November 2019, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, JAPAN

Under the auspices of

Philosophy and Ethics Laboratory,
Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University,

CAEP (Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy),
Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University,


LOG-UCI (An interdisciplinary study of the logical dynamics of
the interaction between utterances and social contexts),
funded by JSPS (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP 17H02258).


Since the last years of the 20th century, a number of attempts have been made in order to model various aspects of social interaction among agents including individual agents, organizations, and individuals representing organizations. The aim of SOCREAL Workshop is to bring together researchers working on diverse aspects of such interaction in logic, philosophy, ethics, computer science, cognitive science and related fields in order to share issues, ideas, techniques, and results.

The earlier editions of SOCREAL Workshop has been held in March 2007, March 2010, October 2013, and October 2016. Building upon the success of these editions, its fifth edition will be held from 15 November till 17 November 2019.

SOCREAL 2019 will consist of keynote lectures by invited speakers and presentations of submitted papers. Keynote lectures will be given by Barteld Kooi (University of Groningen), Jeremy Seligman (University
of Auckland), and Tomoyuki Yamada (Hokkaido University). The working language of SOCREAL Workshop is English.


Researchers from various fields, including logic, philosophy, ethics, computer science, cognitive science are hereby invited to submit an extended abstract (up to two thousand words) by 30 August 2019 to yamada@let.hokudai.ac.jp . Each abstract will be peer-reviewed by the program committee of the workshop. The abstract should be written in English and sent as an attachment in .pdf format. Each abstract should include a title, names and contact details of the author or all the co-authors. It is requisite for the author or at least one of the co-authors of each accepted paper to attend the workshop and present the paper.


A small number of grants of 20,000 to 30,000 JPY are available on a competitive basis to unsalaried students and/or post-doctoral researchers whose papers are accepted for presentation in SOCREAL 2019. The application form for the grant is available at the website of SOCREAL 2019.

[Important Dates]

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: ….30 August 2019 (Extended)
Deadline for Application for the Grant: ….02 September 2019 (Extended)
Notification of Paper Acceptance: …………13 September 2019
Notification of Grant Availability: …………..13 September 2019
Deadline for Registration: ……………………..14 October 2019
Workshop: ……………………………………………..15-17 November 2019


A printed booklet containing the abstracts of all the accepted papers will be available at the workshop.

On-line proceedings containing the papers and the presentation slides presented at the workshop will be made available after the workshop.

Authors of the presented papers will also be encouraged to submit (the revised versions of) the full papers for publication in an issue of The Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy after the workshop. The papers should be written according to the submission guidelines of the journal, and will be peer-reviewed. Further particularities and instructions will be announced after the workshop.

For more information, please visit the following website:

http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~yt6t-ymd/sr19/index.html .


Tomoyuki Yamada


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