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Thomas Pölzler氏講演会(東京大学駒場キャンパス)のお知らせ [2019年08月18日]



グラーツ大学のThomas Pölzler氏をお招きして、道徳の実験哲学をテーマとする講演を行っていただきますので、ぜひご参加下さい。

講演者:Thomas Pölzler (University of Graz)
講演題目:Moral Progress, Knowledge, and Error: What are the Folk’s Implicit Commitments about Moral Objectivity?
講演要旨:According to several philosophers, lay persons are implicitly committed to the view that morality is objective (i.e., independent from what we ourselves or anybody else think about it). This commitment has been claimed to manifest itself in various ways. Among others, it has been suggested that lay persons believe in moral progress, the possibility of moral knowledge, and the possibility of moral errors. In a series of psychological studies my co-authors Lieuwe Zijlstra, Jacob Dijkstra and I are currently putting these hypotheses to the test. My presentation will explain our studies’ motivation, their methodology, their results, and their implications for the philosophical debate about moral objectivity.


・本イベントに関するお問い合わせは鈴木貴之 (tkykszk@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp) までお願いいたします。


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