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Istvan Zardai氏講演会(鳥取大学)のお知らせ [2019年01月21日]

開催日:2019年1月29日 16:00-18:00


慶應義塾大学からIstvan Zardai氏をお招きし、鳥取大学で行為の哲学についての講演をしていただくことになりました。みなさま奮ってご参加ください。

タイトル:Monism and Pluralism about Action

要旨:I discuss in my talk what actions are. I distinguish monist and pluralist views of actions and argue that we should be pluralists. One can be a monist or a pluralist about actions in many ways. I focus here on two of these because the majority of views advanced in the last 70 years were monist views in these ways and in my view these types of monism have derailed thinking about actions seriously. I call these views 1. metaphysical monism (MM) and 2. structural monism (SM). These are their main claims: 1. Metaphysical monism holds that all actions belong into one metaphysical category, for example that all actions are tryings, or that they are all willings, or that all actions are bodily movements, or some other variety of the claim. 2. Structural monism claims that all actions have a uniform spatial, temporal, causal structure, and constituent structure. For example causal bodily movement views hold that all actions are events of bodily movements caused by specific mental events; trying views claim, that actions are all mental events of tryings which cause events of bodily movements; causings views claim that all actions are causings of results; and so on.
  The terms ‘metaphysical’ in ‘metaphysical monism’ indicate that the ‘what is’ question is addressed. The labels ‘structural’ and ‘metaphysical’ serve to help distinguish the two questions, not to claim that structural questions are not metaphysical. Both MM and SM can be taken to be metaphysical questions concerning different aspects of how we locate actions in the wider or narrower framework of the world.
  I argue that the core assumptions of monist views lead to oversimplifying views of actions, and consequently we should be pluralists about actions. That is, 1. we should be metaphysical pluralists about actions (MP), and claim that some actions are agents’ moving, some are their mental doings, and that there are also doings which are constituted together by movements, mental activities and intrinsic results of these, and 2. we should also be pluralists about the possible spatial-temporal-causal structure of actions (SP) and claim that some actions take place at a single point while others are scattered in time and space, for example actions which have phases, steps, and stages, like writing a paper or building a machine, and actions can stand in a variety of interesting causal relations to agents, motivations, results and consequences.




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最終更新日 - (c)2006 科学基礎論学会
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