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Derek Ball氏講演会のお知らせ [2018年09月14日]



セント・アンドルーズ大学のDerek Ball氏をお招きして、哲学における理論変化をテーマとした講演を行っていただきますので、ぜひご参加ください。

講演者:Derek Ball(セント・アンドルーズ大学)
講演題目:Revisionary Theorising: Analysis, Definition, and the Political

講演要旨:Sometimes our views about a topic undergo a very deep change; we come to accept an account that differs from our previously established views, or the views of our peers, about issues so fundamental that we are inclined to think that they are matters of analysis, definition, or essence. Recent years have seen such changes in view widely adopted about some matters; for example, many people who once believed that gender was a purely biological matter now think that trans men are men, and many who once believed that marriage excluded same-sex couples by definition now think that same-sex couples can be married. And it is not uncommon for philosophers to advocate for such change (perhaps proponents of idealism, compatibilist views of free will, or the extended mind are examples). How can such a change in view be rational? I develop a theory ― one on which the meaning of our words and the contents of our thoughts are fixed by our views at the end of an inquiry, so that revisionary theorising need not involve change of topic or of meaning ― that explains how revisionary theorising can be rational, and discuss the consequences of this view for the idea that revisionary theorising can be made to serve particular social and political ends.




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最終更新日 - (c)2006 科学基礎論学会
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