各種情報その他 > イベント情報 > Morality mod Scienceセミナー第6回のご案内
Morality mod Scienceセミナー第6回のご案内 [2018年09月12日]
会場:名古屋大学東山キャンパス 情報学研究科棟1階 第1講義室
下記の通り、Morality mod Science セミナーの第6回を開催します(本セミナーの開催趣旨については こちらのページ をご覧ください)。今回は倫理学者の児玉聡先生と、人工知能研究者のラファウ・ジェプカ先生とをお迎えして、それぞれ進化倫理学と機械倫理学についてご講演いただきます。どうぞ奮ってご参加ください。
日時 :9月21日(金)13時 – 16時
会場 :名古屋大学東山キャンパス 情報学研究科棟1階 第1講義室(キャンパスマップ・アクセス)
13:00 – 14:30 「社会生物学と倫理学(仮)」 児玉聡(京都大学大学院文学研究科)
14:30 – 16:00 “Common Sense Morality for Machines” Rafal Rzepka(北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科)
(※Rzepka 先生の講演は英語スライドを用いて日本語で行われます)
“Common Sense Morality for Machines – Are Our Shared Experiences the Only Solution for Safe Artificial Intelligence?”
Rafal Rzepka(北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科)
The 21st century has already brought and will most certainly bring us new technologies which can impact our lives in various aspects. Differently from the Industrial Revolution, AI-related innovations are relieving us also of intellectual burden, which makes many of us feel becoming redundant. Although there is no sign of conscious machines with general intelligence yet, science-fiction and media create an image of scary super intelligent machines which are going to enslave humanity. But is it the most urgent problem we should worry about? What about solutions we are already using as voice assistants? In my talk I will discuss the current state of the field of Artificial Intelligence and introduce my approach to automatic moral decision-making based on the Wisdom of Crowds. I will explain my stance that the shared knowledge is at least equally important as algorithms which utilize it and how, after un-biasing, it might be a powerful solution for safe autonomous agents (examples from scenarios involving robot companion will be given). Machine ethics researchers tend to concentrate on live and death dilemmas, while questions of simple providing goods to children and elderly or revealing or hiding truth from users are rarely considered by AI software developers. With my talk I plan to spark an interdisciplinary discussion about how we should create rules for an agent’s moral behavior and what decisions should or should not be mechanized. The talk will be given in Japanese language with slides in English.
問い合わせ:名古屋大学大学院情報学研究科 太田陽( ota[at]nagoya-u.jp )
タグ:Morality mod Scienceセミナー, 人工知能, 倫理学, 名古屋大学, 機械倫理学, 進化倫理学, 道徳