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Byeong-Uk Yi 教授講演会 [2018年05月31日]
会場:日本大学文理学部 百周年記念館 2階 会議室2
Byeong-Uk Yi
Is Composition Identity?
Byeong-Uk Yi氏(トロント大学教授)をお招きして、日本
日時: 2018年6月11日(月)16:30-18:00
場所: 日本大学文理学部 百周年記念館 2階 会議室2
(交通:京王線 下高井戸/桜上水駅下車 徒歩10分)
講演題目: Is Composition Identity?
要旨: Say that some things compose something, if the latter is the whole, fusion, or mereological sum of the former. The thesis that composition is identity (in short, CAI) holds that the composition relation is a kind of identity relation, a plural cousin of the singular identity relation. On this thesis, if some things compose something, the former (taken together) are identical with the latter. (The thesis dates back to Plato, who holds in the Theaetetus that “when a thing has parts, the whole is necessarily all the parts” (204a).) This paper argues that CAI is incoherent by drawing its logical consequences. The paper shows that CAI is logically equivalent to the thesis that nothing has a proper part (Triviality of Parthood). Thus the thesis trivializes the part-whole relation and, combined with Unrestricted Composition (i.e., the thesis that any things, taken together, compose something), it implies Eleatic monism, the view that there is only one thing in the world. So proponents of CAI cannot consistently hold that some things have proper parts, but they presuppose this in holding CAI.
Byeong-Uk Yi 氏は、複数論理(plural logic)の建設者のひとりであるとともに、言語哲学および形而上学の分野で多数の興味深い仕事をなされてきました。また最近は、日本語・韓国語・中国語のような classifier language の意味論の研究においても活躍されています。今回、氏が来日されている機会に、講演会を催すことになりました。どうぞみなさん、お誘い合わせのうえ、ご参加ください。
日本大学文理学部哲学科 飯田 隆