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Rossella Lupacchini講演会のお知らせ [2019年08月27日]
2019年9月4日(水)に、Rossella Lupacchini教授によるCAPE(京都大学応用哲学・倫理学教育研究センター)レクチャーが開催されます。
講演者:Prof. Rossella Lupacchini (University of Bologna)
日時:2019年9月4日 16:30-18:00
場所:京都大学文学部第十演習室(map 34番の建物1階)
タイトル:On Quantum Computing and Its Philosophical Implications
アブストラクト:In the search for a precise definition of the notion of effective calculability, Turing’s conceptual analysis brings about an intimate and inescapable link between computability and “measurability”, hence between mechanical procedures and physical processes. The full significance of this link is captured in quantum computability and made explicit by Deutsch’s physical version of the Church-Turing thesis, according to which every physical system can be simulated by a universal quantum Turing machine. How can a physical theory help us understand a logical notion? How do logical principles and physical processes coalesce into the notion of computation? To what extent can quantum theory of computation be traced to Leibniz’s original idea of a universal characteristic?